Early detection makes a difference

woman making online appointment

Early detection is a powerful tool in the fight against cancer. The best way to detect cancer early is through routine screenings. Learn more about cancer screenings at McLaren Fenton and speak with your primary care physician to determine which screenings you should schedule now or later.

Lung Cancer

Early signs of lung cancer may be difficult to detect without a screening because symptoms usually take time to develop. However, the earlier lung cancer is found, the greater the chance of survival. It is important to see your health care provider if you have:

  • A cough that doesn’t go away
  • A cough that causes you to bring up blood
  • Shortness of breath, wheezing or hoarseness
  • Chest pain
  • Swelling of the face and neck
  • Arm pain or weakness
  • Loss of appetite or weight loss

Who should be screened?

Those who are at an increased risk of lung cancer are:

  • 50-80 years old
  • Current smokers or former smokers, who have a 20 pack per year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years.

Breast Cancer

There may not be symptoms that appear during the early stages of breast cancer, which is why routine screening mammograms are important for detecting the cancer as early as possible. The most common signs and symptoms are:

  • A lump or thickness in the breast or underarm area
  • A change in color, feel, size or shape of the breast or nipple
  • Unusual pain in the breast or an unusual discharge

Who should receive a screening mammogram?

Most women should have yearly breast cancer screenings if they:

  • Are 40 years or older.
  • Have a family history of breast cancer, especially a first- or second- degree relative who has had the disease.
  • Have a personal or family history of certain genetic mutations.
  • Have dense breasts.
  • Are considered high risk for breast cancer

Speak to your provider to determine which test is right for you based on your health history.

Need to schedule a screening? We can help.

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What should I get screened for?

Speak to your primary care physician to find out if you need to be screened for cancer, and what screening you should get. If you are seeking a new primary care doctor you may view a list of specialists who are accepting new patients within two to four weeks, or less.