Karmanos Third Party Event Form

Third Party Event Form

*Indicates required information

Contact Information

Event Information

Event Location and Address *
Brief Description of the Event *
What inspired you to host this event? *
Is this event open to the public? *
Is this an event you have hosted for the Karmanos Cancer Institute in the past?*
If this is a new event, do you see this turning into an annual event?
Do you agree to donate the net proceeds from the event to the Karmanos Cancer Institute within 60 days? *
Do you require Education Material, if so, what kind? *

Do you require an electronic copy of the Karmanos Institute Logo? *
The event organizers understand and agree that the Karmanos Cancer Institute must review and approve all promotional and publicity materials using the Karmanos Cancer Institute name or logo (including, but not limited to press releases, public service announcements, scripts, posters, etc.) before they are printed. *
NOTE: This is a proposal. Please do NOT proceed with any printing or promotion until you receive approval from Karmanos Cancer Institute.