Real Estate

Before you sell real estate, you may wish to help the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute fulfill its mission with a unique giving opportunity: A gift of property.

The Institute evaluates gifts of real estate prior to acceptance. You can give the property outright, place it in trust, retain the use of it for life or give it by will.

Each of these methods enable you to enjoy personal financial benefits while supporting our work in a meaningful way.
A charitable gift of real estate:

  • Results in valuable income and estate tax deductions (either through an outright gift or a remainder interest);
  • Eliminates tax capital gain tax;
  • Assures that the value of the property qualifies for a charitable deduction for estate tax purposes;
  • In certain cases, eliminates the responsibilities and costs of ownership when the asset is transferred to the Institute.

For more information

For more information on appraisals, tax savings and other details, to learn which gift arrangement is best for you, or to schedule a meeting with our advisors and your attorney, please contact Denise Lowe, Annual Fund Officer at 248-226-2163, or