Wills & Trusts

Planned gifts to the Institute may reduce or eliminate estate taxes.

You can include the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute in your will or trust in several ways, including:

  • A specific amount or a percentage of your estate;
  • Gifts may also be made unrestricted or restricted:
    • An unrestricted bequest used at the discretion of the president and CEO of the Institute (the most valuable since it allows the Institute to invest your donation for our most pressing needs);
    • A restricted bequest in which you specify how the funds are to be used.

Bequest Language

The following language can be used to designate Karmanos Cancer Institute in your will and estate plan. 

I bequeath (the sum of $_____________) or (________% residue of my estate) to the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, located at 4100 John R, Detroit, Michigan, 48201.  

Federal Tax Identification Number: 38-1613280

The bequest language above denotes an unrestricted gift, which allows Karmanos Cancer Institute to apply your gift where it is most needed within the Institute. You may also designate your gift to support an area of special interest such as numerous patient care initiatives, specific cancer research, education, etc.

For more information contact Denise Lowe, Annual Fund Officer at 248-226-2163, or lowed@karmanos.org.