Perfect Pineapple Cake

You won’t believe that this moist tasty cake has almost no fat! Crushed pineapple and whole wheat pastry flour contribute fiber to this healthy dessert. And it’s versatile too; you’ll also like it as a breakfast bread or as a snack to satisfy your sweet tooth

1 20oz. can crushed pineapple (in natural juice)
11/2 cups sugar
3 egg whites
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
2 teaspoons soda
1 tablespoon powdered sugar

Mix first four ingredients together. Mix flour and soda together and add to rest of mixture. Stir until completely mixed. Put in an ungreased 9" X 13" pan. Cook at 350° for 35 minutes. Cool. Sprinkle or sift 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar over top. Cut into 18 servings.

Nutrient Analysis

Calories: 135
Protein: 2.5g
Carbohydrate: 32g
Fat 0.5g
Saturated fat 0
Cholesterol 0
Fiber 2g

For a little variation:
Add 1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts or 1/2 cup raisins. The nutrient analysis of the recipe would change in the following ways with the added ingredient(s).

Adding 1 cup of walnuts=Adding 1/2 cup of raisins=Adding both
Calories: 180 150 195
Protein: 3.5g 2.5g 3.5g
Carbohydrate: 33g 36g 37g
Fat 4.0g 0 4.0g
Saturated fat 0.4g 0 0.4g
Cholesterol 0 0 0
Fiber 2.3g 2.2g 2.5g