Research Membership

Membership at the Karmanos Cancer Institute is an important distinction reserved for those researchers and clinicians actively interested in cancer-related research and cancer care. This interest is evidenced by active participation in research, teaching, clinical investigation, clinical care, cancer control and community outreach activity. All memberships must be reviewed and approved by the Karmanos Scientific Leadership Council.

Privileges of Membership at Karmanos

  • Priority for Shared Resource (Core) services
  • Clinical research support for protocol management
  • Eligible to apply for development funds, including Karmanos Cancer Institute Strategic Research Initiative Grants
  • Attendance at Karmanos-sponsored events, including retreats, seminars and Program meetings
  • Newsletters, email list serve recipient

Research Members

Membership Categories & Criteria

There are two types of membership at Karmanos:

Scientific Member

This membership category is reserved for investigators who are faculty or who work in an approved Karmanos Cancer Institute Network facility and meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Principal Investigator on an actively funded National Cancer Institute (NCI) or other peer-reviewed, cancer-related research grant, including training grant and career development grant (as defined by NCI guidelines)
  • Leader of one of the cancer-related projects in a program project (P01) or SPORE grant
  • Principal Investigator of an active, externally-funded cancer-related clinical trial or PI-initiated clinical trial which has been reviewed and approved by the KCI Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee
  • Contributes to the research objectives of Karmanos Cancer Institute in important ways (e.g., development and implementation of center‘s clinical activity, leader of a Shared Resource, or inter-institutional collaborator who strengthens and enhances value-added interactions and the scientific productivity of the research)

Associate Member

This membership category is reserved for investigators who conduct cancer relevant research, but do not meet the criteria to become a Scientific Member, including:

  • Research faculty who conducts non-peer reviewed, funded cancer research
  • Clinical faculty who actively participates on a multidisciplinary clinical team
Download Membership Criteria

Membership Application & Approval

Potential members are typically solicited by a Program Leader who becomes aware of research interests during the recruitment process, interdisciplinary retreats, or other interactions. However, any interested individual may submit a completed membership application form, an updated NIH-biosketch and current curriculum vitae to the leader of the Program of interest.

The potential applicant is expected to meet with the Program Leader to discuss research interests, potential collaborations, and appropriateness of Program alignment within the Cancer Institute.

The Program Leader will present the new application during a quarterly Scientific Leadership Council meeting for review on the basis of interest in cancer work. Eligibility for membership at Karmanos Cancer Institute is based on the recommendation of the Program Leader and approval of the Scientific Leadership Council. Notification will be sent regarding the decision.

Research Program Alignment

All Karmanos Cancer Institute members are usually aligned with only one primary Research Program. Under certain circumstances, joint appointments to two different Programs may be allowed. This joint appointment must demonstrate research efforts and funding which cross Programs. A dual Program alignment must be approved at the discretion of the Center Director.

Current NCI-approved Programs

  • Tumor Biology and Microenvironment
  • Molecular Imaging
  • Molecular Therapeutics
  • Population Studies and Disparities Research

Membership Renewal

Renewal of annual membership is based upon productivity and participation in KCI activities, including:

Scientific Members

  • Provision of annual scientific progress reports
  • Active engagement in Center or Program activities, interactions and collaborations
  • Regular and documented attendance at Program meetings and retreats
  • Maintenance of active, cancer-related peer-reviewed funding
  • Acknowledgement of the use of CCSG Shared Resources (Cores) in research publications
  • Documented provision of administrative leadership (e.g., Core director)
  • Documentation of significant patient referral and/or enrollment onto Karmanos clinical trials
  • Compliance with NIH Public Access Policy (PMCID)
  • Academic appointment in good standing
  • Participation and compliance with education- and outreach-related initiatives (i.e. Monicur)

Associate Members

  • Regular and documented attendance at Program meetings and retreats
  • Active engagement in Center or Program activities, interactions and collaborations
  • Acknowledgement of the use of CCSG Shared Resources (Cores) in research publications
  • Documented provision of research services and/or record of cancer-related grant submissions
  • Compliance with NIH Public Access Policy (PMCID)
  • Academic appointment in good standing
  • Participation and compliance with education- and outreach-related initiatives (i.e. Monicur)

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