Scientists in Action

Want to present your research to the community? The Office of Community Outreach and Engagement (COE) has a brief training that you can easily complete in 20 minutes!

The training is designed to provide clinicians and researchers with the resources and skills to effectively communicate their research and engage with the community. All you have to do is sign up, and you’ll receive access to start the training anytime, anywhere.

Participate in the Training

Download the flyer

For more information, please contact Brittany Dowe, MPH at or call 313-576-8876.

Expert Cancer Education (Speakers Bureau)

COE is now offering a speaker's bureau for community organizations/partners seeking a Karmanos researcher or clinician to speak at their event.

The researchers and clinicians listed below have completed COE's Scientists in Action program, and have presentations developed for community audiences. For more information on speaker topics, please contact

Speaker name

Presentation Topic(s)

Jay Burmeister, Ph.D., DABR

Radiation therapy (cancer treatment)

Charles Chung, Ph.D.

Ultrasounds in cancer detection and treatment

Michael Dominello, D.O.

Radiation therapy (cancer treatment)

Heather Gibson, Ph.D.

Immunotherapy (cancer treatment)

Michael C. Joiner, M.A., Ph.D.

Radiation therapy (cancer treatment)

Csaba Juhasz, M.D., Ph.D.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging in cancer detection and treatment

Otto Muzik, Ph.D.

CT and MR imaging in cancer detection and treatment

Anthony Shields, M.D., Ph.D.

Overview of different imaging devices and their role in cancer detection, treatment and monitoring.

Jeffrey Zonder, M.D.

Multiple Myeloma or Amyloidosis