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We are pleased to share that our information technology platforms are restored, and our clinics are fully functional across Michigan. Click here for more information.

Internal Funding Opportunities

The Karmanos Cancer Institute offers an array of internal grant programs designed to foster innovation and excellence within our organization. From seed funding for groundbreaking basic research projects to support for developing innovative clinical trials, our grant programs offer avenues for Cancer Center members to pursue their passions, advance their skills, and contribute to the continued growth and success of our institution. Whether you're an early-career researcher seeking to explore new avenues of inquiry or a senior investigator pursuing cutting-edge science, KCI is prepared to empower you on your journey of discovery and impact. Explore the possibilities and unleash your potential with our diverse range of internal grant opportunities.

Strategic Research Initiative Grants

The Strategic Research Initiative Grant (SRIG) Program supports innovative, high impact proposals, which exhibit great potential of leading to peer-reviewed extramural funding. Applicants may apply for funding in one of two categories:

(1) Up to $50,000 over one year, to support projects with a goal to secure R01-level funding, or

(2) Up to $150,000 over two years, to support larger projects with a goal to secure multi-investigator funding

The most recent deadline for application was February 23, 2024. The next annual RFA will be released in late 2024 or early 2025.

Download: KCI SRIG 2024

Equitable Horizons Cancer Research Grant Program

The Equitable Horizons Cancer Research Grant program supports pilot projects in cancer research conducted by junior faculty. The funding will be awarded to early-career independent investigators who do not have current national peer-reviewed research grant support. This seed grant program is intended to support junior faculty in initiating cancer research projects so they can generate preliminary results that will enable them to compete successfully for national funding in all areas of cancer research.

The most recent deadline for application was March 25, 2024.  The next RFA will be released in the spring of 2025.

Download: KCI EHCRG 2024 RFA

Download: KCI EHCRG 2024 LOI Template

Core and Services Incentive Program

The Core and Service Incentive Program (CSIP) supports research projects that require the use of Core (Shared Resources) or other services at the Cancer Center, to provide critical data for a grant submission within 12 months.  Acceptance of funding through this program assumes that you will utilize one or more internal review mechanisms available through KCI (grant caucus, mock study section, and/or post-submission summary statement review). Applicants may apply for up to $5,000 per project to use one of the current Shared Resources, or other Cancer Center services (Clinical Trials Office support, Office of Cancer Health Equity and Community Engagement support, Medical Interaction Research Archive usage, etc)

This program has a rolling deadline and applications are accepted throughout the year.

Download: 2023-24 CSIP Program

Investigator Initiated Trial Application

The Karmanos Cancer Institute provides funds to help support investigator-initiated treatment clinical trials with the goal of moving new treatment strategies more rapidly from the laboratory into the clinic. Proposed clinical studies must involve human subjects and be therapeutic in design. The clinical studies must be based on a strong rationale and preclinical data should support the underlying hypotheses. New clinical treatment trials employing drugs, biologics, radiation, or surgery whether used as a single agent/modality or in combination are appropriate. Investigators should be able to identify sufficient numbers of patients to complete the trial in a timely manner.

This program has a rolling deadline and applications are accepted throughout the year.

Download: KCI IIT Application