
The Prevalence of the HOXB13 G84E Prostate Cancer Risk Allele in Men Treated with Radical Prostatectomy. BJU Int 2014;113:830-5. PMCID: PMC3984347
Authors: M Beebe-Dimmer J(04), Isaacs WB, Zuhlke KA, Yee C, Walsh PC, Isaacs SD, Johnson AM, Ewing CE, Humphreys EB, Chowdhury WH, Montie JE, Cooney KA.

Cancer Incidence Among Arab Americans in California, Detroit, and New Jersey SEER Registries. Am J Public Health 2014;104:e83-91. PMCID: PMC4062012
Authors: M Bergmans R, Soliman AS, Ruterbusch J, Meza R, Hirko K, Graff J, Schwartz K(04).

Genome-wide Scan of 29,141 African Americans Finds No Evidence of Directional Selection since Admixture. Am J Hum Genet 2014;14:S0002-9297. PMCID: PMC4185117
Authors: A,M Bhatia G, Tandon A, Patterson N, Aldrich MC, Ambrosone CB, Amos C, Bandera EV, Berndt SI, Bernstein L, Blot WJ, Bock CH(04), Caporaso N, Casey G, Deming SL, Diver WR, Gapstur SM, Gillanders EM, Harris CC, Henderson BE, Ingles SA, Isaacs W, De Jager PL, John EM, Kittles RA, Larkin E, McNeill LH, Millikan RC, Murphy A, Neslund-Dudas C(04), Nyante S, Press MF, Rodriguez-Gil JL, Rybicki BA(04), Schwartz AG(04), Signorello LB, Spitz M, Strom SS, Tucker MA, Wiencke JK, Witte JS, Wu X, Yamamura Y, Zanetti KA, Zheng W, Ziegler RG, Chanock SJ, Haiman CA, Reich D, Price AL.

Re-contacting participants for inclusion in the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP): Findings from three case-control studies of lung cancer. Genome Med 2014;6:54. PMCID: PMC4165358
Authors: A Cote ML(04), Harrison MJ, Wenzlaff AS, Schwartz AG(04).

Risk of second primary tumors in men diagnosed with prostate cancer: A population-based cohort study. Cancer 2014;120:2735-2741. NIHMSID: NIHMS633242
Authors: M Davis EJ, Beebe-Dimmer JL(04), Yee CL, Cooney KA.

Efficient identification of context dependent subgroups of risk from genome-wide association studies. Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol 2014;13:217-226. PMCID: PMC4171947
Authors: Dyson G(04), Sing CF.

Application of best practice approaches for designing decision support tools: The preparatory education about clinical trials (PRE-ACT) study. Patient Educ Couns 2014;96:63-71. PMCID: PMC4171039
Authors: M Fleisher L, Ruggieri DG, Miller SM, Manne S, Albrecht T(04), Buzaglo J, Collins MA, Katz M, Kinzy TG, Liu T, Manning C, Charap ES, Millard J, Miller DM, Poole D, Raivitch S, Roach N, Ross EA, Meropol NJ.

Unexpected Findings in the Exploration of African American Underrepresentation in Biospecimen Collection and Biobanks. J Cancer Educ 2014;29:580-7. PMCID: PMC4026340
Authors: A,M Hagiwara N, Berry-Bobovski L(04), Francis C, Ramsey L, Chapman RA(04), Albrecht TL(04).

Temperament, Personality, and Quality of Life in Pediatric Cancer Patients. J Pediatr Psychol 2014;39:459-68. PMCID: PMC3994318

Authors: A,R,M Harper FW(04), Goodlett BD, Trentacosta CJ(04), Albrecht TL(04), Taub JW(03), Phipps S, Penner LA(04).

Axitinib Improves Radiotherapy in Murine Xenograft Lung Tumors. Transl Oncol 2014;0:epub. PMCID: PMC4145357
Authors: A,R Hillman GG(01), Lonardo F(04), Hoogstra DJ, Rakowski J, Yunker CK, Joiner MC(02), Dyson G(04), Gadgeel S(03), Singh-Gupta V.

Racial Disparities in Human Papillomavirus (HPV) associated head and neck cancer. Am J Otolaryngol 2014;35:147-53. PMCID: PMC3947473
Authors: A,R,M Jiron J, Sethi S(03), Ali-Fehmi R(01), Franceschi S, Struijk L, van Doorn LJ, Quint W, Kato I(04).

Survival in Women with NSCLC: The Role of Reproductive History and Hormone Use. J Thorac Oncol 2014;9:355-61. PMCID: PMC4173122
Authors: M Katcoff H, Wenzlaff AS, Schwartz AG(04).

Exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and lung cancer by histological type: A pooled analysis of the International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO). Int J Cancer 2014;135:1918-30. PMCID: PMC4126868
Authors: A,M Kim CH, Lee YC, Hung RJ, McNallan SR, Cote ML(04), Lim WY, Chang SC, Kim JH, Ugolini D, Chen Y, Liloglou T, Andrew AS, Onega T, Duell EJ, Field JK, Lazarus P, Marchand LL, Neri M, Vineis P, Kiyohara C, Hong YC, Morgenstern H, Matsuo K, Tajima K, Christiani DC, McLaughlin JR, Bencko V, Holcatova I, Boffetta P, Brennan P, Fabianova E, Foretova L, Janout V, Lissowska J, Mates D, Rudnai P, Szeszenia-Dabrowska N, Mukeria A, Zaridze D, Seow A, Schwartz AG(04), Yang P, Zhang ZF.

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-efficacy as Predictors of Preparedness for Oncology Clinical Trials: A Mediational Model. Med Decis Making 2014;34:454-63. PMCID: PMC3991731
Authors: M Manne S, Kashy D, Albrecht T(04), Wong YN, Flamm AL, Benson AB, Miller SM, Fleisher L, Buzaglo J, Roach N, Katz M, Ross E, Collins M, Poole D, Raivitch S, Miller DM, Kinzy TG, Liu T, Meropol NJ.

Modeling the sustainability of community health networks: novel approaches for analyzing collaborative organization partnerships across time. Transl Behav Med 2014;4:46-59. PMCID: PMC3958587
Authors: A,R,M Manning MA(04), Bollig-Fischer A(03), Berry Bobovski L(04), Lichtenberg P(04), Chapman R(04), Albrecht TL(04).

Feasibility and Perceived Benefits of a Framework for Physician-Parent Follow-Up Meetings After a Child's Death in the PICU. Crit Care Med 2014;42:148-57. PMCID: PMC3867593
Authors: A,M Meert KL(04), Eggly S(04), Berg RA, Wessel DL, Newth CJ, Shanley TP, Harrison R, Dalton H, Clark AE, Dean JM, Doctor A, Nicholson CE.

Prostate tissue metal levels and prostate cancer recurrence in smokers. Biol Trace Elem Res 2014;157:107-112. PMCID: PMC4096659
Authors: A,R Neslund-Dudas C(04), Kandegedara A, Kryvenko ON, Gupta N, Rogers C, Rybicki BA(04), Dou QP(03), Mitra B(03).

Case-only gene-environment interaction between ALAD tagSNPs and occupational lead exposure in prostate cancer. Prostate 2014;74:637-46. PMCID: PMC4112406
Authors: A,R,M Neslund-Dudas C(04), Levin AM(04), Rundle A, Beebe-Dimmer J(04), Bock CH(04), Nock NL, Jankowski M, Datta I, Krajenta R, Dou QP, Mitra B(03), Tang D, Rybicki BA(04).

Pleiotropic Associations of Risk Variants Identified for Other Cancers With Lung Cancer Risk: The PAGE and TRICL Consortia. J Natl Cancer Inst 2014;106:4. PMCID: PMC3982896
Authors: R,M Park SL, Fesinmeyer MD, Timofeeva M, Caberto CP, Kocarnik JM, Han Y, Love SA, Young A, Dumitrescu L, Lin Y, Goodloe R, Wilkens LR, Hindorff L, Fowke JH, Carty C, Buyske S, Schumacher FR, Butler A, Dilks H, Deelman E, Cote ML(04), Chen W(02), Pande M, Christiani DC, Field JK, Bickebller H, Risch A, Heinrich J, Brennan P, Wang Y, Eisen T, Houlston RS, Thun M, Albanes D, Caporaso N, Peters U, North KE, Heiss G, Crawford DC, Bush WS, Haiman CA, Landi MT, Hung RJ, Kooperberg C, Amos CI, Le Marchand L, Cheng I.

Apoptosis-Related Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and the Risk of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Women. J Cancer Ther Res 2014;3:1. PMCID: PMC4002173
Authors: A,R,M Pathak A, Wenzlaff AS, Hyland PL, Cote ML(04), Keele GR, Land S(03), Boulton ML, Schwartz AG(04).

Parent Caregiver Self-Efficacy and Child Reactions to Pediatric Cancer Treatment Procedures. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs 2014;31:18-27. PMCID: PMC3964783
Authors: A,R,M Peterson AM, Harper FW(04), Albrecht TL(04), Taub JW(03), Orom H, Phipps S, Penner LA(04).

Reducing Prostate Cancer Racial Disparity: Evidence for Aggressive Early Prostate Cancer PSA Testing of African American Men. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014;epub. PMCID: PMC4162307
Authors: A,R,M Powell IJ(04), Vigneau FD(04), Bock C(04), Ruterbusch J, Heilbrun LK(03).

Marital quality and health: a meta-analytic review. Psychol Bull 2014;140:140-87. PMCID: PMC3872512
Authors: Robles TF, Slatcher RB(04), Trombello JM, McGinn MM.

Rad6 is a Potential Early Marker of Melanoma Development. Transl Oncol 2014;epub. PMCID: PMC4145396
Authors: A,R Rosner K(03), Adsule S, Haynes B, Kirou E, Kato I(04), Mehregan DR, Shekhar MP(03).

Cross-cancer pleiotropic analysis of endometrial cancer: PAGE and E2C2 consortia. Carcinogenesis 2014;35:2068-73. PMCID: PMC4146418
Authors: M Setiawan VW, Schumacher F, Prescott J, Haessler J, Malinowski J, Wentzensen N, Yang H, Chanock S, Brinton L, Hartge P, Lissowska J, Park SL, Cheng I, Bush WS, Crawford DC, Ursin G, Horn-Ross P, Bernstein L, Lu L, Risch H, Yu H, Sakoda LC, Doherty J, Chen C, Jackson R, Yasmeen S, Cote M(04), Kocarnik JM, Peters U, Kraft P, De Vivo I, Haiman CA, Kooperberg C, Le Marchand L.

The importance of contextual factors and age in association with anxiety and depression in Black breast cancer patients. Psychooncology 2014;23:143-50. PMCID: PMC4144019
Authors: M Sheppard VB, Harper FW(04), Davis K, Hirpa F, Makambi K.

"Cancer sucks," and other ponderings by adolescent and young adult cancer survivors. J Psychosoc Oncol 2014;32:1-15. PMCID: PMC3902666
Authors: M Zebrack B, Kent EE, Keegan TH, Kato I(04), Smith AW.

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